NEL MESE DI AGOSTO SIAMO IN FERIE DAL 10/08 AL 25/08 Le spedizioni riprenderanno dal 26 agosto... Buone vacanze!

 SECURE ONLINE PAYMENTSBank Transfer, Credit Cards, Financing, Paypal
 ANSWERS WITHIN 24HFor any questions write to [email protected]

We hereby inform you that, pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 30.06.2003 n. 196, the personal data that will be provided by the Customer to MTbici di Grimaldi Marzia are processed by it, also automatically, for inclusion in the customers archive and are necessary for the eventual conclusion of a contract and for the subsequent steps according to civil law, taxation, management.

The provision of data is optional: without, however, it shall be impossible to enter into any contract.

We inform you that, in relation to art. 7 of the aforementioned Legislative Decree, the Customers will have, among others, the right to obtain:

    - confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning them;
- the cancellation, anonymization or block of the possibly violating data;
- updating, rectification or integration of data.

The Customer may exercise the rights under art. 7 writing to:

MTbici di Grimaldi Marzia
Via Teramo, 5
00040 Ardea (RM)

E-mail [email protected]

© 2021 MTbici di Grimaldi Marzia - Registered Office: Via Teramo, 5 00040 Ardea (Rm)
F.C.: GRMMRZ82P62H501U - VAT: 13343891001 - REA N.: RM 1440145